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Selamat datang, ini adalah official blog kami, finalis HULT Global Case Competition dari Indonesia

HULT Global Case Competition ( ) merupakan sebuah event perlombaan kasus terbesar di Dunia, melibatkan hampir seluruh universitas di seluruh dunia. Terdapat lebih dari 5000 pendaftar dan kami termasuk satu dari 300 peserta yang lolos ke tahap final regional. Kami merupakan satu-satunya peserta dari Indonesia yang dapat lolos di regional London.

Tema tahun ini adalah Global Poverty, dimana mengentaskannya melalui 3 track, housing, education, dan energy. Tim kami mengambil tema Housing dalam mencoba membantu dunia dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan global

Tolong dukung kami, support kami baik moral maupun finansial. Doakan kami agar dapat terus membawa nama baik Indonesia di luar sana, dan mengharumkannya dengan bersaing secara baik.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Schedule of Event

September 20, 2011 – President Bill Clinton announces the Hult Global Case Challenge at the annual Clinton Global Initiative Meeting in New York City.

October 3, 2011 – Application window opens

October 31, 2011 – First application deadline

November 30, 2011 – Second application deadline

December 31, 2011 – Final application deadline

January 15, 2012 – Regional Finalists announced, invitations sent to selected participants to compete in one of the three tracks in one of five available locations. A case study, along with challenge question, will be distributed. Those not selected and unable to compete at the regional finals will move to the online event.

February 24-25, 2012 – Regional Finals will take place in Boston, London, Dubai, Shanghai, and San Francisco. Selected participants will be given new details related to the case study and have four to five hours to customize and finalize their solutions according to this updated information.

Teams will then present those solutions to senior executives from the private and public sectors and a winning team from each track per city will be selected winner and announced at the awards ceremony which takes place immediately following the conclusion of the two-day event.

April 25-26, 2012 – Hult GCC will fly and cover all travel expenses for the winning teams from each track per campus to move on to compete in the global final in New York City. At this event, the winners from each region will represent their further refined solutions to a judging panel made up of the CEOs from some of the world’s top private and public sector companies along with the CEOs of each of the partner NGOs. A winning idea from each track will move on to implementation through a $1,000,000 cash grant made available by Hult. The winners will also be recognized by President Bill Clinton, among others.

May 2012 – Global Champions will meet with the leadership teams of each of the partner NGOs to map out timeline, implementation plan and next steps.

June 2012 – All of the crowd-sourced ideas and solutions from the event will be made public.

September 2012 – Winning solutions from each track will be announced as commitments to action at the annual Clinton Global Initative Meeting and the 2013 Hult Global Case Challenge will be announced.

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